Thursday, December 26, 2019
Parental Involvement in Childrens Education Why Does It Make a Difference Free Essay Example, 3000 words
Ethical considerations in any research are of critical importance. Therefore, the researchers will seek authorization from the United Kingdom education sector prior to conducting the study. In addition, the researchers will ensure that all the participants give their consent to signifying their voluntary and willing participation in the study. The consent form will highlight the specific details of the study such as the purpose of the study as well as the timelines. The form will also brief all the participants on the different procedures of the study, highlighting their specific role. Most importantly, the researchers will maintain high levels of confidentiality and anonymity. Worth noting is the fact that participants need the assurance of the researchers that they will maintain high levels of anonymity and confidentiality. However, it is rational for the researcher to highlight the limitations of confidentiality before the study. All the participants will have the freedom to with draw from the study at their convenience (Stitt Brooks 2014, p. 81). Since the study will involve a group of students, higher levels of protection of the minor will be needed. We will write a custom essay sample on Parental Involvement in Childrens Education: Why Does It Make a Difference or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Therefore, the researchers will ensure that both the parents and teachers give their consent before the children can be enrolled in the study. LimitationsOne of the potential limitations of this study is the high level of subjectivity. Being a qualitative approach, the researchers rely on understanding the feelings, opinions, and experiences of the participants. Such high levels of subjectivity may introduce a measure of bias in the study. In addition, all the participants in the study will be identified through purposive sampling a factor that may limit the generalizability of the findings. In order to determine the difference made by parental involvement, future research may need to monitor the performance of the students for a longer time. However, in this study, the identified students were only monitored for three months. Future studies may also need to give attention to different aspects of student learning and the potential benefits of parental involvement (Chen Gregory 2009, p. 53).
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Antwone Fisher Determined or Free - 846 Words
Martin Bidzinski Ms. Vander Burgt HRE-4M 3 October 2011 Antwone Fisher, Determined or Free? The film Antwone Fisher is an autobiographical drama based on the true story of Antwone Fisherââ¬â¢s problematic days growing up. Antwone Fisher (Derek Luke) is a sailor in the U.S. Navy with an explosive attitude, whom is ordered to see a naval psychiatrist, Dr. Jerome Davenport (Denzel Washington), about his volatile temper. Slowly Fisher begins to reveal the emotional problems that ultimately trigger this rage. The viewer learns that Antwoneââ¬â¢s father was killed and his mother, subsequently ended up arrested and giving birth to Antwone in prison. Soon after, Antwone was sent to a foster home managed by Mr. And Mrs. Tate (Ellis Williams andâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Antwoneââ¬â¢s rage, inability to form relationships and feelings of the world conspiring against him are all symptoms of physical, verbal and sexual abuse as a child in his foster home. Mrs.Tateââ¬â¢s consistent beatings and cruel actions caused Antwone to believe t hat the world is always out to get him. Tate beaten Antwone and locked him up into dark rooms consistently as well as using fire to torture him. This torture ultimately settled into Antwones mind which is released through rage during Antwoneââ¬â¢s adulthood. Antwoneââ¬â¢s aggressive reactions to racial slurs are interrelated to actions presented by Mrs. Tate. Tate frequently points out that Antwoneââ¬â¢s lighter skinned foster brother, Keith, is superior to him due to the fact that his father was white. The inevitable anger released by Antwone when he is exposed to racial slurs are directly related to the ideas he was exposed to as a child. Antwoneââ¬â¢s exposure to sexual abuse severely affected his ability to develop relationships as an adult. Nadine Tate (A member of the Tate household) sexually abused Antwone when he was left alone with her at home. This abuse developed severe psychological effects which essentially reinforced his inability to develop relationships. Ultimately, Antwoneââ¬â¢s abuse as a child developed rage problems, the inability to develop relationships, as well as the constant thought that the world isShow MoreRelatedAntwone Fisher2818 Words à |à 12 PagesAntwone Fisher The focus of this paper is on psychodynamic (intergenerational and psychoanalytic) family therapies; and how these concepts apply to helping the protagonist in the major motion picture Antwone Fisher overcome traumatic incidents he experienced during his childhood and adolescent years, as well as help him to manage his current anger issues. Psychodynamics, in its broadest sense, is an approach to the study of human behavior that emphasizes the study and use of the psychological
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Gratitude Essay Example For Students
Gratitude Essay Gratitude Gratitude, appreciation, or thankfulness is a positive emotion or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive. In contrast to the positive feeling of gratitude, the feeling of indebtedness is a negative reaction to a favor (Tsang, 2006a; Watkins, Scheer, Ovnicek, Kolts, 2006). Even though our reactions to favors might not always be positive, researchers have found that people express gratitude often. Psychological research has demonstrated that individuals are more likely to experience gratitude Gratitude may also serve to reinforce future prosocial behavior in benefactors. For example, Carey and colleagues (Carey, Clicque, Leighton, Milton, 1976) found that customers of a jewelry store who were called and thanked showed a subsequent 70% increase in purchases. In comparison, customers who were thanked and told about a sale showed only a 30% increase in purchases, and customers who were not called at all did not show an increase. Rind and Bordia (1995) found that restaurant patrons gave bigger tips when their servers wrote ââ¬Å"Thank youâ⬠on their checks. Research has also suggested that feelings of gratitude may be beneficial to subjective emotional well-being (Emmons McCullough, 2003). For example, Watkins and colleagues (Watkins et al. , 2003) had participants test a number of different gratitude exercises, such as thinking about a living person for whom they were grateful, writing about someone for whom they were grateful, and writing a letter to deliver to someone for whom they were grateful. Participants in the control condition were asked to describe their living room. Participants who engaged in a gratitude exercise showed increases in their experiences of positive emotion immediately after the exercise, and this effect was strongest for participants who were asked to think about a person for whom they were grateful. Participants who had grateful personalities to begin with showed the greatest benefit from these gratitude exercises. In people who are grateful in general, life events have little influence on experienced gratitude (McCullough, Tsang Emmons, 2004). Although gratitude is something that anyone can experience, some people seem to feel grateful more often than others. People who tend to experience gratitude more frequently than do others also tend to be happier, more helpful and forgiving, and less depressed than their less grateful counterparts (Kashdan, Uswatte, Julian, 2006; McCullough, Emmons, Tsang, 2002; Watkins, Woodward, Characteristics of a Grateful Life A life of gratitude is composed of three parts that combine to make a whole. 1. A sense of purpose in our lives 2. An appreciation for the lives of those around us 3. A willingness to take action to show the gratitude we feel Breaking the word down a bit further thanks to the ever-convenient Dictionary. om, gratitude means: â⬠¢ an appreciative attitude for what one has received â⬠¢ a warm or deep appreciation of personal kindness â⬠¢ a disposition to express gratefulness by giving thanks I like all three of these definitions for different reasons. I think gratitude also relates to a full life spent in awareness of all the good things that surround us. Gratitude is expressed through big and small things. Living a balanced life of gratitude requires that our ââ¬Å"big rocksâ⬠be well established. Most importantly, our family and other close relationships need to be in order. And if we donââ¬â¢t love all aspects of our work, we have to enjoy at least most of them and feel like we are contributing to something greater than ourselves. Gratitude is not all about money, but it does include money. The way we handle our money reflects how we feel about other people and our lives in general. Therefore, an important part of living gratefully usually includes a commitment to regularly help others with our financial resources The process of outwardly showing more gratitude (by investing your money in othersââ¬â¢ lives) will create an inward feeling of gratefulness. .u604bbcd60dd164f484d1be16ff46e456 , .u604bbcd60dd164f484d1be16ff46e456 .postImageUrl , .u604bbcd60dd164f484d1be16ff46e456 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u604bbcd60dd164f484d1be16ff46e456 , .u604bbcd60dd164f484d1be16ff46e456:hover , .u604bbcd60dd164f484d1be16ff46e456:visited , .u604bbcd60dd164f484d1be16ff46e456:active { border:0!important; } .u604bbcd60dd164f484d1be16ff46e456 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u604bbcd60dd164f484d1be16ff46e456 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u604bbcd60dd164f484d1be16ff46e456:active , .u604bbcd60dd164f484d1be16ff46e456:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u604bbcd60dd164f484d1be16ff46e456 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u604bbcd60dd164f484d1be16ff46e456 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u604bbcd60dd164f484d1be16ff46e456 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u604bbcd60dd164f484d1be16ff46e456 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u604bbcd60dd164f484d1be16ff46e456:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u604bbcd60dd164f484d1be16ff46e456 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u604bbcd60dd164f484d1be16ff46e456 .u604bbcd60dd164f484d1be16ff46e456-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u604bbcd60dd164f484d1be16ff46e456:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Angela'S Ashes Poverty EssayItââ¬â¢s a win-win relationship. Gratitude must be regularly cultivated, even when times are hard. If you spend time every day expressing gratitude in a way that is meaningful to you (more on that in a minute), it will quickly become an integral part of your life. Like any habit, the more we practice it, the more natural it becomes. We must purposefully create a life of gratitude if we want to be fully alive. We can cultivate gratitude through prayer, meditation, writing, and other expressions of art. We can also cultivate gratitude in the way we interact with others.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Morality of Euthanasia free essay sample
ââ¬Å"Eu thanatosâ⬠is the Greek origin for Euthanasia, which means ââ¬Å"good deathâ⬠. Euthanasia has come to mean the intentional ending of a life because the person would be better off dead. This means theyââ¬â¢d be free from suffering. (Munns) As an existentialist, we have free will for there is no God to mandate our personal decisions and whichever decision we make we alone are responsible for. If you believe Euthanasia is moral for you under one circumstance then it is okay under all circumstances and it is moral for anyone to do it. There are four types of Euthanasia. Both passive voluntary and involuntary euthanasia involve the terminating of medication and/or life supporting means to prolong the death. However, voluntary means that the patient has either directly requested it himself or through a living will while involuntary is decided by a physician or family member. In active voluntary and involuntary euthanasia the medical personnel directly administers a lethal injection. We will write a custom essay sample on The Morality of Euthanasia or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The definitions for voluntary and involuntary still apply. (Rachels, 173) All types of euthanasia should be legal because we have the right to make our own decisions. For passive euthanasia, we have the right to refuse treatment for it is our free will and only we alone are faced with the consequence of our action. Therefore, one can also decide for us in the case we are in an unconscious state to remove us from any sort of treatment. If we allow passive euthanasia, then active euthanasia should also be allowed. In both scenarios, the physician is preventing the patient from prolonging his life whether by direct or indirect means. (Boss) Rachels used an example in his article about a six-year-old boy. In one scenario, his cousin Smith kills the child in the tub because he would get a large sum of inheritance if anything were to happen to the child. In the second scenario the child hits his head and drowns. His cousin Jones witnesses such occurrence, but does nothing to save him for he, too, will get a large sum of inheritance in the death of the child. Smithââ¬â¢s is intentional while Jones simply saw it and did nothing. How is it to say that one is moral and the other immoral? (Rachels and Boss, 187-188) If one is immoral, then both should be immoral. So if passive euthanasia is deemed moral under circumstances, active euthanasia should also be deemed moral. Since there is no God, itââ¬â¢s us who decide what happens to ourselves as long as we donââ¬â¢t physically harm others in the process. It is us who are facing the consequence of death when no other means seem enough. Some might argue that by using any sort of euthanasia we are going against Godââ¬â¢s will. However, are we not going against God will by taking treatment for a disease that was given to us by Godââ¬â¢s will? (Munns) When we start believing in a higher power and deciding for him what his ââ¬Å"free willâ⬠would be we are renouncing our autonomy. (Boss, 180, 193-194) We have the right to euthanasia in the case of a terminal illness. If it has been decided we will not live a long life then why must we suffer our last months or days in pain and suffering? We have the right to die with dignity and without misery. (Boss, 181) Technical advances have allowed people suffering from terminal illnesses to live longer, but most of these treatments arenââ¬â¢t always guaranteed and often cause pain to the patient. Because of this, people have become obsessed with keeping others alive by any means, but by this all we are doing is simply experimenting for future knowledge at the patientââ¬â¢s own expense and misery. How is this moral? (Battin, 191) If euthanasia is acceptable for those in physical pain then it must also be allowed for those in emotional pain such as those with depression. By legalizing anything, we are also imposing regulations. Therefore, mental illnesses would be evaluated the same way as physical illnesses. Those with disabilities, which impede them from having any happiness or having any self-sufficiency, should also be allowed to qualify for euthanasia. Who is to say that one pain is more real than the other if it stops a person from being a functional member of society? (Munns) Other reasons why people with physical or mental illnesses should have the option of euthanasia is in the case of becoming a burden to the family. Why does the family have an obligation to care for someone who is nothing but an expense and time occupier in their lives? By making the conscious choice to have euthanasia performed on ourselves we are choosing what is best for ourselves as we are alleviating from pain as well as doin g whatââ¬â¢s best for the caretaker. Many terminally ill patients arenââ¬â¢t offered palliative care and a national survey discovered that ââ¬Å"59% of people gave the quality of end-of-life care a fair or poor rating when it comes to making sure patients were as comfortable and pain free as possible at the end of lifeâ⬠. (Boss, 181) This is mainly due to Westernerââ¬â¢s fear of drug addiction and abuse. (Boss, 181) So if we donââ¬â¢t even have the means to make the last moments of someoneââ¬â¢s life comfortable, why are we forcing laws that make them suffer through it? Rachels argued that while euthanasia in general should be legalized, active is preferable because the point is to alleviate pain. When passive euthanasia is involved, we are stopping medication that not only prolongs death, but sometimes prolongs pain as well. So while we may die sooner, we are suffering which is a cruel thing to allow someone to endure. For this reason, active is the more humane choice keeping in mind that both types of euthanasia bare the same action and consequence from the patient and physician. (Rachel and Boss, 185-189) In conclusion, we have the right to euthanasia if we are terminally or mentally ill. Regulations would take place to make sure that the person truly has no chance of recovery and is better off dead in either situation. If passive euthanasia is allowed, then we should allow active euthanasia for not only do the same morals apply, but also itââ¬â¢s more humane than passive euthanasia. By choosing euthanasia as a moral act, I am speaking for ev eryone as well. Not only that, but by choosing euthanasia as acceptable, I am accepting all types of euthanasia and for any medical reason that impedes a person from living a happy life. References Boss, Judith. (2012) Analyzing Moral Issues (5ed.). Columbus, OH: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
How to Start a Private School
How to Start a Private School Starting a private school is a lengthy and complicated process. Fortunately for you, plenty of folks have done the same thing you are thinking of doing. You will find much inspiration and practical advice from their examples. In fact, you will find it extremely useful browsing the history section of any established private schools website. Some of these stories will inspire you. Others will remind you that starting a school takes lots of time, money and support. Here is a timeline for the tasks involved with starting your own private school. Todays Private School Climate Below, important information is outlined to guide you through the process, however, its important to note that in todays economic climate, many private schools are struggling. The Atlantic reports that private k12 schools saw an almost 13% decline over the course of a decade (2000-2010). Why is this? The National Association of Independent Schools reports that the growth forecast for 2015-2020 is declining, with fewer school-aged children between the ages of 0-17. Fewer children mean fewer students to enroll.à The cost of private school, and especially boarding school, is also concerning. In fact, The Association of Boarding Schools (TABS) published a strategic plan for 2013-2017, in which it pledged to increase efforts to help schools identify and recruit qualified families in North America. This pledge led to the creation ofà the North American Boarding Initiative to address the declining enrollment in private boarding schools. This passage is taken from their website: For various economic, demographic, political, and cultural reasons, the sector has faced serious enrollment challenges during distinct periods in its distinguished history, surviving the Great Depression, the specter of two World Wars, and the social turbulence of the 60s and 70s, among other disjunctions. Always, boarding schools have adapted: ending discriminatory policies and admitting students of different races and religions; adding day students; becoming coeducational; expanding philanthropy; investing aggressively in financial aid; modernizing curriculum, facilities, and student life; and recruiting internationally.Again, we face a serious enrollment challenge. Domestic boarding enrollment has declined gradually, yet consistently, for more than a dozen years. Its a trend that shows no sign of reversing itself. Moreover, multiple surveys have confirmed that a lions share of boarding school leaders identify domestic boarding as their most pressing strategic challenge. As a commu nity of schools, it is time once again to take decisive action. Considerations In todays day and age, it does warrant careful consideration and planning to determine if creating another private school in this already struggling market is appropriate. This assessment will vary greatly on a number of factors, including the strength of area schools, the number of and quality of competitor schools, geographic area, and needs of the community, among others.à For example, a rural town in the midwest without strong public school options may benefit from a private school. However, in an area like New England, which is already home to more than 150 independent schools, starting a new institution might not be quite as successful.à Identify Your Niche 36-24 months before opening: Determine what kind of school the local market needs. (K-8, 9-12, day, boarding, Montessori, etc.) Ask parents and teachers for their opinions. If you can afford it, hire a marketing company to do a survey. It will help you focus your efforts and ensure that youre making a sound business decision. Once you determine what kind of school you will be opening, then decide how many grades will actually open the school. Your long-range plans may call for a K-12 school, but it makes more sense to start small and grow solidly. Establish the primary division, then add the upper grades over time as your resources permit. Form a Committee 24 months: Form a small committee of talented supporters to begin the preliminary work. Include parents with financial, legal, management and building experience. Ask for and get a commitment of time and financial support from each member. This important planning work which will demand much time and energy. These people can become the core of your first board of directors. Co-opt additional paid talent, if you can afford it, to guide you through the various challenges, indeed, roadblocks, which will inevitably confront you. Incorporate 18 months: File incorporation papers with your Secretary of State. The lawyer on your committee should be able to handle this for you. There are costs associated with the filing, but he should donate his legal services to the cause. This is a critical step in your long-term fundraising. People will give money much more readily to a legal entity or institution as opposed to a person. If you have already decided to establish your own proprietary school, you will be on your own when it comes to raising money. Develop a Business Plan 18 months: Develop a business plan. This should be a blueprint of how the school is going to operate over its first five years. Always be conservative in your projections. Do not try to do everything in the first five years unless you have been lucky enough to find a donor to fund the program in its entirety. Develop a Budget 18 months: Develop a budget for 5 years. This is the detailed look at income and expenses. The financial person on your committee should be responsible for developing this critical document. As always project your assumptions conservatively and factor in some wriggle room should things go wrong. You need to develop two budgets: an operating budget and a capital budget. For example, a swimming pool or an arts facility would fall under the capital side, while planning for social security expenses would be an operating budget expense. Seek expert advice. Find a Home 20 months: Locate a facility to house the school or develop building plans if you will be creating your own facility from scratch. Your architect and contractor committee members should spearhead this assignment. Think carefully before you leap at acquiring that wonderful old mansion or vacant office space. Schools require good locations for many reasons, not the least of which is safety. Older buildings can be money pits. Investigate modular buildings which will be greener as well. Tax-Exempt Status 16 months: Apply for tax-exempt 501(c)(3) status from the IRS. Again, your lawyer can handle this application. Submit it as early in the process as you can so that you can begin to solicit tax-deductible contributions. People and businesses will definitely look at your fundraising efforts much more favorably if you are a recognized tax-exempt organization.Tax-exempt status might also help with local taxes as well, though I do recommend your paying local taxes whenever or wherever possible, as a gesture of goodwill. Choose Key Staff Members 16 months: Identify your Head of School and your Business Manager. Conduct your search as widely as possible. Write job descriptions for these and all your staff and faculty positions. You will be looking for self-starters who enjoy building something from scratch. Once IRS approvals are in place, hire the head and the business manager. They need the stability and focus of a steady job to get your school open. You need their expertise to ensure an opening on time. Solicit Contributions 14 months: Secure your initial funding - donors and subscriptions. You will need to plan your campaign carefully so that you can build momentum, yet are able to keep pace with actual funding needs. Appoint a dynamic leader from your planning group to ensure the success of these initial efforts. Bake sales and car washes are not going to yield the large amount of capital which you will need. Well-planned appeals to foundations and local philanthropists will pay off. If you can afford it, hire a professional to help you write proposals and identify donors. Identify Your Faculty Requirements 14 months: It is critical to attract skilled faculty. Do so by agreeing to competitive compensation. Sell them on the vision of your new school. The chance to shape something is always appealing. While it is still over a year until you open, line up as many faculty members as you can. Do not leave this important job until the last minute. An agency such as Carney, Sandoe Associates will be helpful at this stage in finding and vetting teachers for you. Spread the Word 14 months: Advertise for students. Promote the new school through service club presentations and other community groups. Design a website and set up a mailing list to keep interested parents and donors in touch with your progress. Marketing your school is something which has to be done consistently, appropriately and effectively. If you can afford it, hire an expert to get this important job done. Open for Business 9 months: Open the school office and begin admissions interviews and tours of your facilities. January before a fall opening is the latest you can do this. Ordering instructional materials, planning curricula and devising a master timetable are just some of the tasks your professionals will have to attend to. Orient and Train Your Faculty 1 month: Have faculty in place to get the school ready for opening. The first year at a new school requires endless meetings and planning sessions for the academic staff. Get your teachers on the job no later than August 1 in order to be prepared for opening day. Depending on how lucky you are at attracting qualified teachers, you may have your hands full with this aspect of the project. Take the time needed to sell your new teachers on the schools vision. They need to buy into it, or else their negative attitudes could create a host of problems. Opening Day Make this a soft opening at which you welcome your students and any interested parents at a brief assembly. Then off to classes. Teaching is what your school will be known for. It needs to begin promptly on Day 1. The formal opening ceremonies should be a festive occasion. Schedule it for a few weeks after the soft opening. Faculty and students will have sorted themselves out by then. A feeling of community will be apparent. The public impression which your new school will make will be a positive one. Invite local, regional and state leaders. Stay Informed Join national and state private school associations. You will find incomparable resources. The networking opportunities for you and your staff are virtually limitless. Plan on attending association conferences in year 1 so that your school is visible. That will ensure plenty of applications for vacant positions in the following academic year. Tips Be conservative in your projections of revenues and expenses even if you have an angel who is paying for everything.Make sure real estate agents are aware of the new school. Families moving into the community always ask about schools. Arrange open houses and gatherings to promote your new school.Submit your schools website to sites like this one so that parents and teachers can become aware of its existence.Always plan your facilities with growth and expansion in mind. Be sure to keep them green as well. A sustainable school will last many years. One which is planned without any consideration of sustainability will fail eventually.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Checking Immigration Case Status With USCIS
Checking Immigration Case Status With USCIS Theà U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Servicesà (USCIS) agency has upgraded its services to include checking case status onlineà and using a virtual assistant online to answer questions. Through a free, online portal, MyUSCIS, there are multiple features. Applicants can submit an online request, get automatic email or text message updates when a case status changes and practice the civics test. Being that theresà a multitude of immigration options from applying for U.S. citizenshipà to green card residency status and temporary working visas to refugee status, to name a few, MyUSCIS is the one-stopà site for all applicants requesting U.S. immigration. The USCIS Website The USCIS website has directions for getting started on MyUSCIS, which allows an applicant to review their entire case history. All an applicant needs is the applicants receipt number. The receipt number has 13 characters and can be found on the application notices received from USCIS. The receipt number begins with three letters, such as EAC, WAC, LIN or SRC. Applicants should omit the dashes when entering the receipt number in the web page boxes. However, all other characters, including the asterisks, should be included if they are listed on the notice as part of the receipt number. If missing the application receipt number, contact the USCIS Customer Service center at 1-800-375-5283 or 1-800-767-1833 (TTY) or submit an online inquiry about the case.à à Other features of the website include filing forms electronically, checking office case processing times, finding a doctor authorized for completing a medical exam for adjusting status and reviewing filing fees. A change of address can be recorded online, as well as finding local processing offices and making an appointment to visit an office and speak with a representative. Email and Text Message Updates USCIS allows applicants the option of receiving an email or text message notification that a case status update has occurred. The notification can be sent to any United States mobile phone number. Standard cell phone text messaging rates may apply to receive these updates. The service is available to USCIS customers and their representatives, includingà immigration lawyers, charitable groups, corporations, other sponsors, and you can register for it online. Create an Account It is important for anyone who wants regular updates from USCIS to create an account with the agency to ensure access to case status information.à A helpful feature from USCIS is the online request access option. According to the agency, the online requestà option is a web-based tool that allows an applicant to place an inquiry with USCIS for certain applications and petitions. An applicant may make an inquiry on selected forms that are beyond posted processing times or selected forms where the applicant did not receive an appointment notice or other notice. An applicant can also create an inquiry to correct a notice received with a typographical error.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Facilities Operations and Management Assignment
Facilities Operations and Management - Assignment Example The researcher states that through the exploration of the responsibilities of the facilityââ¬â¢s manager, the reader will be presented with a practical understanding to the myriad of responsibilities and the activities that are covered in the management of restaurant chains. Through the exploration of the responsibilities of the manager of the facility, more light will also be shed to the issues, concerns and the practical aspects of the manager, in supporting the business, towards making it profitable and improving its profitability. Through the review of the four main areas identified, the paper will point out the management best practices employed by a facility in the hotel and hospitality industry, aimed at creating a sustainable competitive advantage. The main importance of managing a facility effectively is that it enables it to keep its best employees and to satisfy its customers; the two groups are the most important stakeholders in a business. The first major role of a fa cilityââ¬â¢s manager in a hotel is that of acting as the standard bearer for the hotel business. The roles covered under this area of responsibility include communication, promotion, facilitating performance and maintaining the different aspects of the staffs of the facility. This area of responsibility requires the (facility) hotel manager to practice management by objectives, where he/ she employ a performance appraisal system characterized by a variety of traits. The first trait is that of taking the actions and completing the documents that help to evaluate the performance of staffs, with the aim of improving it, reducing the challenges they face and improving their satisfaction within the workplace.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Criticism of Absorption Cost System Math Problem
Criticism of Absorption Cost System - Math Problem Example As common sense would have it, fixed cost remains fixed no matter what the level of production is. Hence, in such a case managers often tend to over produce thinking itââ¬â¢s better to allocate the fix overhead over a wider range of output and reducing the cost per unit (since spreading fixed cost over greater units tends to drive down fixed cost per unit and when fixed costs per unit go down then so does the overall costa per unit), thus seeking an increase in profit per unit of output. The lower fixed cost per unit does of course increase the level of profitability. But a couple of factors need to be considered while making the overproduction decision. While over producing tends to allocate fixed cost over a greater units of output, we need to see whether we really need to over produce. Many factors would need to be considered including the demand for the excess produce, storage and handling costs, cash flow situation etc. There would be no point going for over production if the re is no sales market for additional units or the storage costs are high as such a step might actually cost more than the saving done by allocating the fixed overheads on excessive production. It also needs to be considered that what would happen to the excess inventory that would be produced. If the company has not taken care of the market conditions and consequently it produces in excess of its projected sales, then such an exercise would result in excessive stock piling. Clearly the company wouldnââ¬â¢t be profitable in such a scenario. Another key question that needs to be answered is whether the incentive to overproduce allows over producing stock irrespective of stock piling or storage conditions. The excessive inventory that would be produced would be visible to everyone, reflected on managerial accounts as well as in the companyââ¬â¢s audited financial statements. It is no doubt important for managers and decision makers to consider here whether the allocation of fixed overheads provides an incentive to overproduce or not. However the danger reflected by the incentive to over produce should not be made the basis of decision making about the allocation of the fixed overheads. I agree with your view that over production results in excess inventory. Yes, sometimes it does happen that excessive production is done at the year-end so that the production costs can be driven down and financial statements are efficiently window dressed to show a good position of the company. However you need to know that there are some products that take a lot of time to be produced and their fixed costs are extremely high. In such a case, I personally think that over production is justified provided there are adequate storage facilities and there is an active sales market. Studentââ¬â¢s Response: ââ¬Å"In my experience allocations which are confined to fix overhead is the catalyst to overproduce a less than desirable product. There are two things that definitely go w rong. 1. When management have an incentive to decrease the cost of product, usually this is a force step toward decrease quality of all resource used to make a final product with less capital and in less time.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Fruitless Unions from 1875 - 1900 Essay Example for Free
Fruitless Unions from 1875 1900 Essay Late 19th century America was a time of both industrial prosperity and poverty among workers. It was run by grasping corporations and proprietors. Workers found themselves alone, amidst the rest of the nation, merely individuals under the control of the lavish Rockefellers and Carnegies. Entire families found themselves working 10 hours a day, 7 days a week in unsanitary conditions just to have enough money to pay for simple necessities like food and rent. The issue of lowering working hours, increasing wages, and humanizing working conditions quickly became indispensable. While organized labor groups such as the National Labor Union, The Knights of Labor, and the American Federation of Labor all strived to resolve these issues, victories were seldom. The crusade towards organized labor from 1875-1900 was unsuccessful in improving the position of workers vastly because of the initial failure of strikes, the grueling feelings of superiority of employers over employees and the lack of support from the government. Beginning in the 1860ââ¬â¢s, labor unions began to sprout in hopes of making reforms by unifying workers to fight for higher wages, and 8 hour work day, and various other social benefits. The National Labor Union (1866) was the first assembly established to take part in this fight. Strikes would have to be effective in order to initiate any major changes but at a time like this, more harm was being done than good. In 1877, many workers participated in the first great American strike which resulted in mass violence and little reforms. Afterwards, an editorial in the New York Times stated that ââ¬Å"the strike is apparently hopeless, and must be regarded as nothing more than a rash and spiteful demonstration of resentment by men too ignorant or too reckless to understand their own interestsâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (Document B) This editorial, which clearly favored labor unions, was acknowledging that nothing would be achieved through fighting and violence. Their failures so early on should have given them the signal to cease and, but year after year, strikes were arising and little was being down in the workers favors. Their failures would surely set the stage for future unions to come. In 1892, workers at the Homestead Steel Plant near Pittsburgh walked out on strike and took the lives of at least two Pinkerton detectives and one civilian (Document G). The violent acts at Homestead not only failed to gain rights but since non-strikers were killed it led people to think of laborers in a negative light. With the conditions only worsening after each and every strike, it was clear that organized strikes were not the way to improve conditions for workers. The industrial era gave more power to employers than ever before. With the introduction of the Scientific Management method designed by Frederick Taylor, autonomy among workers was even less common. By means of Scientific Management, there was no longer a need for workers of one particular trade, now; workers would only know how to make one particular part of a whole. The fact that many employees had to band together to face one employer displayed a great deal of inferiority. In 1883, in a testimony before the Senate Committee on Labor and Capital, a machinist said that 100 men are able to do now what it took 300 or 400 men to do fifteen years ago in trying to explain his insignificance to the company he worked for (Document D). Thus, workers felt even more inferior because it took fewer workers to make products; fewer workers amounted to easier management by the employers. In addition to inferiority to the employers, workers would also put restrictions on themselves by giving in and signing things like the Western Union Telegraph Companys employee contract that forbid them from joining unions (Document E). These yellow-dog contracts simply dragged the workers further down into the ground. The ineffectiveness of unions was shown in that the unions that were formed werent strong enough to even overcome their own benefactors which in turn only put them at a lower level in the end. I. Another main contributor to the ineffectiveness of labor unions was the lack of support from the government. With the involvement of the federal government, labor unions could have been much more successful in churning out better conditions for workers.
Friday, November 15, 2019
lighthod Barriers in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness :: Heart Darkness essays
Barriers in Heart of Darkness Heart of Darkness is a book that explores many different ideas and philosophies regarding human life. How people see each other and connect with each other is one of the larger aspects of human life covered in this tale. During his journey, Marlowe meets many different types of people that he is able to decipher from the good and bad personal characteristics. These people all contribute to Marloweââ¬â¢s growth as a person as he breaks down barriers inside himself that deal with race, loyalty, and the way people interrelate with each other. The first site that Marlowe sees on his expedition puts an instant stereotype into his head. The sight is one of skinny, black laborers at the Outer Station. Marlowe sees a young boy who is hungry and feeds him a biscuit. Marlowe sees these images of people and how theyââ¬â¢re living, and consciously or unconsciously, makes a note in his mind that this is the way Africans are. This initial impression of the Africans had formed a barrier that Marlowe would change within himself by the end of the story. Immediately after his encounter with the laborers, Marlowe meets the accountant at the station who provides Marlowe with his first real distinction between the races. The accountant presented himself in a gracious manner. He was Caucasian, wore fancy clothes, had oiled hair, sported varnished boots, and he had a starched white collar. This all made the man look oddly out of place given that he was in the middle of the jungle and surrounded by filthy laborers. Marlowe wasnââ¬â¢t sure about what to think of this man at first, but when a sick man was brought into the accountantââ¬â¢s office, the accountant gripes about the inconvenience to himself. "The groans of a sick person distract my attention, and without that it is extremely difficult to guard against clerical errors in this climate" (Conrad 22). This cruel and cold side of the typical European ivory trader shows through very clearly to Marlowe. This was his first, but not only experience on the journey with a greedy white male. The white manager on the boat is another character that speaks to Marloweââ¬â¢s intellect by way of his actions. Marlowe gains some of his most significant self-growth in the story through his encounters and his analyzing of the manager. Marlowe is constantly hearing about ways that the manager and his crew are trying to take over the ivory ring and how they are trying to stop Kurtz from continuing his dominance in this trade.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Qualitative, quantitative, and outcomes research Essay
1. What are the main differences among qualitative, quantitative, and outcomes research? Under what circumstances is each type of research most appropriate? Support your answers with specific examples. Qualitative research is used to give meaning to life experiences and conditions. Itââ¬â¢s an individual approach and logical. It is ââ¬Å"interpretive, humanistic, and naturalistic and is concerned with understanding the meaning of social interactions by those involvedâ⬠(Burns & Grove, 2011). Qualitative research is most appropriate when conducting research to promote understanding of human experiences and circumstances and develop theories that describe these experiences. Qualitative research seems to be an effective method of investigating human emotional responses. An example would be interviewing 100 elderly patients to find out what their main health concerns are. Quantitative research ââ¬Å"is a formal, objective, systematic process in which numerical data are used to obtain information about the worldâ⬠(Burns & Grove, 2011). Quantitative data is any data that is in numerical form such as statistics, percentages, etc. An example of this would be determining the rate of a DVT in post-op patients. Outcomes research focuses on the outcomes of care for the patient. It requires four areas to examine including: patient responses to nursing care, improvements in physical functions, healthcare financial service outcomes, and patientââ¬â¢s overall satisfaction with staff, nursing care and services. This research is most appropriate when doing research on improving quality of care(Burns & Grove, 2011). An example would be doing research on what ice pack is most effective, easy for the patient to use and still cost effective. Burns, N., & Grove, S. K. (2011). Understanding nursing research: Building an evidence-based practice (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Describing Gearing and Its Importance in Capital Structure of a Company
A company with low gearing is one that is mainly being funded or financed by share capital (equity) and reserves, whilst the one with a high gearing is mainly funded by loan capital. Now the question to address is which of the two (equity and debt) is cheaper to the company? The answer is that cost of debt is cheaper than cost of equity. This is because debt is less risky than equity and the tax advantage of debt over equity as discussed below: Risk: debt is less risky than equity because: the required return needed to compensate the debt investors is less than the required return needed to compensate the equity investors; â⬠¢the payment of interest is often a fixed amount and compulsory in nature and it is paid in priority to the payment of dividends; â⬠¢in the event of a liquidation, debt holders would receive their capital repayment before shareholders as they are higher in the creditor hierarchy (the order in which creditors get repaid), as shareholders are paid out last. Corporate tax advantage: in the income statement, interest (on debt) is subtracted before the tax is calculated; thus, companies get tax relief on interest.However, dividends (on equity) are subtracted after the tax is calculated; therefore, companies do not get any tax relief on dividends. From the above discussion, we can observe that debt is cheaper than equity when financing a company. However, there are implications of pursing high gearing rather than low gearing. Watzon and Head (2007) described the following as implications of high gearing: Increased volatility of equity returns: the higher a companyââ¬â¢s level of gearing, the more sensitive its profitability and earnings are to changes in interest rates.The companyââ¬â¢s profit and distributable earnings will be at risk from increases in the interest rate. This risk will be borne by shareholders as the company may have to reduce dividend payments in order to meet its interest payment as they fall due. This kind of ri sk is referred to as financial risk. The more debt the company has in its capital structure, the higher will be its financial risk. Increased possibility of bankruptcy: at very high levels of gearing, shareholders will start to face bankruptcy risk.This is defined as the risk of a company failing to meet its interest payments commitment and hence putting the company into liquidation. This is because interest payment may become unsustainable if profits decrease or interest payments on variable rate debt increase. Reduced credibility on the stock exchange: at a very high level of gearing, investors will be reluctant to buy the companyââ¬â¢s shares or to offer further debt. The encouragement of short-termist behaviour: in order to prevent bankruptcy, managers may focus on the short-term need to meet interest payment rather than long term objective of wealth maximisation.Effects of capital gearing upon WACC, company value and shareholder wealth The capital structure of a company refe rs to the mixture of equity and debt finance used by the company to finance its assets. Some companies could be all-equity-financed and have no debt at all, whilst others could have low levels of equity and high levels of debt. The decision on what mixture of equity and debt capital to have is called the financing decision. The financing decision has a direct effect on the weighted average cost of capital (WACC).The weighted-average cost of capital (WACC) represents the overall cost of capital for a company, incorporating the costs of equity, debt and preference share capital, weighted according to the proportion of each source of finance within the business (Cornelius, 2002). The weightings are in proportion to the market values of equity and debt; therefore, as the proportions of equity and debt vary so will the WACC. Therefore the first major point to understand is that, as a company changes its capital structure (i. . varies the mixture of equity and debt finance), it will autom atically result in a change in its WACC. It is important to note that the financing decision (i. e. altering the capital structure) affects the overall objective of maximizing shareholder wealth. This is based on the ground that wealth is the present value of future cash flows discounted at the investorââ¬â¢s required return. The market value of a company is equal to the present value of its future cash flows discounted by its WACC.It is fundamental to note that the lower the WACC, the higher the market value of the company, and vice versa. Therefore, a change in the capital structure to lower the WACC can then increase the market value of the company and thus increase shareholder wealth. As a result, the search for optimal capital structure becomes the search for the lowest WACC, because when the WACC is minimized, the value of the company and shareholder wealth is maximized. Hence, it is the responsibility of finance managers to find the optimal capital structure that will resu lt in the lowest WACC.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Religion and Sarah Grimke essays
Religion and Sarah Grimke essays The concept of religion is something that is widely used but frequently misunderstood. During the 19th century religious ideologies were widely practiced, and had subsequent influences on nearly every facet of society. Sadly, religion was used particularly in the form of Christianity to keep certain groups oppressed; these groups included (but not limited to) both women and Blacks. Christianity despite its teachings of kindness, love and equality was somehow twisted and instead of focusing on doctrines that promote liberty, White Americans used it to keep minority groups marginalized. The writings of Sarah Grimke, Prince Hall The Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions each contend with issues of oppression surrounding each authors individual minority group. Yet it can easily be noted that religion seems to be a reoccurring theme in each of the writings. Therefore, because the 19th century man had a sacrilegious mindset, he imposed various social oppressions on both women and Blacks. It could be understood that the common thread throughout each of the responses made by Grimke, Hall, and the Seneca Falls piece is that of religion. Prince Hall, in the Petition to Massachusetts Legislature makes many bold assertions regarding the role of Blacks in American society. Hall contends that because America has labeled herself as a free country granting everyone the natural and unalienable right to freedom, it only seems fair for Blacks to enjoy this right also. The basis of his argument is the fact that the great parent of the universe, has bestowed the right of freedom upon man, and because these rights have never been forfeited, it is only fair for Blacks enjoy their unalienable rights likewise. In support of this idea, Hall employs the comparison of Americas struggle with Britain. America felt as if it was her natural right to be freed of Britain's hold, yet she won&a...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Practice in Using Adjectives Formed From Nouns Verbs
Practice in Using Adjectives Formed From Nouns Verbs This sentence-completion exercise will give you practice in using adjectives that have been formed from nouns and verbs. Instructions: Many adjectives are formed from nouns and verbs. The adjective hungry, for example, comes from hunger, which may be either a noun or a verb. For each pair of sentences below, complete the second sentence with the adjective form of the italicized noun or verb in the first sentence. When youre done, compare your answers with those below. This birdhouse is made of wood. My grandfather used to make _____ birdhouses.I dont desire fortune or fame. Not all rich and _____ people are happy.I dont desire fortune or fame. If you have good friends, you are a _____ person.I rely on my iPad for recipes while cooking. My iPad is a _____ and durable gadget.I have a deep passion for running. I am _____ about all forms of exercise.Lucy studies for at least three hours every night. She is the most _____ person in her class.The poison in this rare mushroom can cause serious kidney damage. Fortunately, most mushrooms arent _____.It takes skill and determination to be a professional race-car driver. Though I have the determination, I am not yet a _____ driver.Everyone enjoyed the concert last night. All in all, it was an _____ evening.The teacher had to raise his voice to be heard above the noise in the classroom. Its hard to get any work done in a _____ classroom.Uncle Ernie causes trouble for my family during the holidays. I have many _____ relatives. My father is accustomed to facing danger. Firefighting is a _____ profession.My friends laughed and joked and talked all during the meal. Joey was the most _____ one of all.Everyone at work obeys the bosss orders. They are remarkably _____ people.My nephew is always causing mischief. Hes a _____ little boy. Here are the correct answers (in bold) to the exercise on page one:à Practice in Using Adjectives Formed From Nouns and Verbs. My grandfather used to makeà woodenà birdhouses.Not all rich andà famousà people are happy.If you have good friends, you are aà fortunateà person.My iPad is aà reliableà and durable gadget.I amà passionateà about all forms of exercise.She is the mostà studiousà person in her class.Fortunately, most mushrooms arentà poisonous.Though I have the determination, I am not yet aà skillfulà driver.All in all, it was anà enjoyableà evening.Its hard to get any work done in aà noisyà classroom.Uncle Ernie causesà troubleà for my family during the holidays. I have manyà troublesomeà relatives.Firefighting is aà dangerousà profession.Joey was the mostà talkativeà one of all.They are remarkablyà obedientà people.Hes aà mischievousà little boy.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Personality Analyiss Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Personality Analyiss - Essay Example There are also some, who regard personality as a diamond consisting of diverse facets of behavior and belief. Still there are others who argue that the whole notion of personality is wrong headed ââ¬â a comfortable fiction rather than a scientific fact. Usually in this view, personality is often influenced by the immediate circumstances rather by the social interactions, that is, personality remains consistent due to the environmental factors that also remain unchanged. Significantly, personality has been postulated and analyzed by a number of experts in the field of behavioral science, and as a result, a number of theories elaborating the nature and rationale have emerged, thereby providing a wide area for interpretation and further research. This essay presents an analysis of a fictional character from a popular television series entitled, CSI. The character of Gil Grissom is the main subject of this study in the aim to dissect and point out certain specific traits and explain them according to the theories advanced by several personality psychologists more particularly of Howard S. Friedman and Miriam W. Schustac. The succeeding paragraph will also present arguments that will validate the presence of these theories in the chosen fictional character to establish a solid ground for conclusion. At the age of 22, Gill Grissom became the youngest coroner in LA County. He was recruited to run the field service office in Las Vegas where he spent 17 years elevating the status of the Vegas laboratory into the second most efficient crime lab in the United States. Earning a biology degree from UCLA, Grissom worked as a night shift supervisor of the Las Vegas Crime Unit. Being a forensic entomologist and a CSI level three, he was knows as the ââ¬Ëbug manââ¬â¢ amongst his colleagues which was originally composed of Catherine Willows, Nick Stokes, Warrick Brown and Sarah Sidle in the first few seasons. Eventually
Friday, November 1, 2019
Governance & Public Managemenet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Governance & Public Managemenet - Essay Example This report explores that the idea of freedom is very comforting and when the government authorities realized that the society can no longer be controlled by the use of the coercive power of the state, it gradually follows the trend towards ââ¬Å"governing without governmentâ⬠. Governing without government is seen as a concept of political freedom which is supported with the concepts of civil liberties and human rights. Most democratic societies are characterised by various freedoms which are afforded with the legal protection of the state. This essay stresses that there are several types of freedom of which, various kinds are legally protected by the state. In a democratic society, citizens enjoy the ââ¬Å"freedom of assemblyâ⬠of which, they are free to gather, organize a club, groups or any organization as well as ââ¬Å"freedom of associationâ⬠where in, in building up an organization, adults can freely choose their associates. Slavery and discrimination is a thing of the past, and today, many organizations in countries have imposed laws to respect the human rights. There is now a ââ¬Å"freedom from government sanctioned discriminationâ⬠and ââ¬Å"freedom of religionâ⬠where in the distinction in races, age, gender, religion, religion practices and culture is now respected and seen as a normal part of a society. Discrimination in the society was decreased, if not eliminated, by the help of policies imposed by the government such as civil rights legislation, equal opportunities law and benefits . Today, citizens are now enjoying the "freedom of education" of which, parents are now free to choose any school that they wanted for their children to send to. Capitalism is also known as "freedom of enterprise" wherein, companies are now privately owned
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Suicides linked to bullied victims Research Paper
Suicides linked to bullied victims - Research Paper Example Many innocent lives have been lost owing to this problem of bullying and these precious lives could have been saved if proper intervention and help was provided for these issues. Bullying can be defined as acts of aggression which tend to humiliate the victim through every possible mean. According to Olweus, ââ¬ËA student is being bullied or victimized when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other studentsââ¬â¢ (Olweus 2001 p 5-6). Thus, bullying is basically a means of degrading a person to an extent that he may lose his confidence and morale and tend to consider options like suicide as the only solution. Different incidents have marked the severity of this act of bullying. Innocent young teenagers have died due to being the victims of humiliation. The examples of Tylor Cementi who was an 18 year old boy and Phoebe Prince who was a 15 year old girl serve as eye openers to highlight the issue of bullying. Tylor Cementi was a bright and intelligent boy who enrolled new in his university. Cementi was a homosexual and his sexual orientation was used as a point to bully him. His colleagues plotted against him and made a video of his private encounter with his homosexual partner. They then posted it on the internet which served to publicize a private encounter of Clementi. The young boy could not face this humiliation and he found it easier to submit him to death rather than face this embarrassment. He jumped off a bridge and committed suicide. The suicide of Tylor Clementi was a tragic incident and it was an example of cyberspace bullying. It left a great impact (Schwartz 2011). Phoebe Prince enrolled new in her school, South Hadley High Schoolà after she moved from Ireland to the United States with her family. She became the target of the bullies and had to undergo severe pressure and mental exertion. She was bullied for three months in her school by different means which include calling her with names as well as physical harassment by the bullies. They used to give her disgracing names to humiliate her. The social networking sites served as another way to further bully Phoebe and to further publicly humiliate her. She finally could not face the pressure and gave up her race of life and committed suicide. Her death came as a shock and it served a great effect owing to the fact her suicide had just shortly followed the suicide of another young boy of 11 years in a school located in close vicinity to South Hadley High School. Serious notice of the incident was taken by the governing body in the state of Massachusetts which started formulating plans for the passage of laws to check into matters of bullying. The school also started to consider the issue seriously and started working towards creation of bodies to tackle the issue of bullying (Eckholm and Zezima 2010). Strong correlations and links between suicide and bullying have been reported. There has been an alarming rise in the suicide rate throughout the world. It is analyzed that amongst youth suicide ranks as the third reason of death. The CDC reports that 4400 deaths can attributed to suicide annually. Students who are enrolled in high school show very high levels of suicide and it has been analyzed that 7 percent of these students have actually tried to commit suicide. A research conducted by the Yale
Monday, October 28, 2019
Wolf- Moose Study Essay Example for Free
Wolf- Moose Study Essay The point of this long running survey is study the effects of the climate and nature upon the wolf packs and moose of Isle Royale National Park, located in Lake Superior in Michigan. Professor Rolf Peterson of Michigan State University has been conducting this study and has found that by dealing with a basically unpopulated island that it is nearly ideal conditions to analyze the population status of both the moose and wolf population. It is a predator-prey study. The given scenario would be that if all of the wolf packs died off and they were not replaced, what would happen to the moose population? Would it grow too quickly where the island could not support them and would it face a natural decline? It would be best to intervene and replace the wolf packs because it would maintain the natural balance of things. The survey showed that the moose are controlled by the effects of food supply, weather and natural pestilence but though the article states that the island has had very mild winters for the last few years and that creates some ideal situations for increased population among the moose, there is also the factor of an increase in ticks which if left unstopped that they can kill off the moose from blood loss. Yet, without the mooseââ¬â¢s natural predator, the wolves, the moose could continue to increase and over populate and therefore, cause death of starvation or other diseases. The island would not be capable of supporting the rising numbers of moose. The island now has three wolf packs that number up to twenty-nine (Peterson 1) but it really would not take that many in order to control the moose population. As wolves are pack animals and the only way that they can successfully hunt and kill a large moose is as a pack, then it would have to be at least two fair sized packs of six to seven members. Works Cited/Reference Peterson, Rolf, This Years Moose-Wolf Study Report: 2004, http://www. msu. edu/user/kilpela/wolf. htm
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Bertrand Russell is one of the greatest masters of English Prose. :: essays research papers
Bertrand Russell is one of the greatest masters of English Prose. Bertrand Russell is one of the greatest masters of English Prose. He revolutionized not only the subject matter but also the mode of expression. He has in him a happy blend of greatest philosopher and a great writer. He was awarded Nobel Prize for literature in 1950. The subject matter of his essays may be very difficult but his manner of expression is so lucid and simple that even a layman can understand him without any special difficulty. It is a rare privilege which only few prose masters enjoy. The precision and clarity which Russellââ¬â¢s prose style possesses are very rare in the bulk of English prose. Russell has justly been regarded as one of the great prose stylists of the 20th century. Although he is not a literary writer yet his work devoted mainly to problems of philosophy, ethics, morality, political, social life and economics, etc. impresses us greatly by its literary qualities. Of course, Russell's style sometimes becomes difficult for the average reader who comes across sentences which he has read for more than once in order to get the meaning. Russellââ¬â¢s style appeals mainly to our intellects and very little to our feelings or emotions. He uses words simply as tools, to convey his meaning plain and effective and not to produce any special effects. It is not a coloured or gorgeous style. Nor is there any passion in it. It is somewhat cold. There are no ââ¬Å"jeweled phrasesâ⬠in his writings nor sentences over which we would like to linger with the aesthetic pleasure. Russellââ¬â¢s style is intellectually brilliant. He can condense an idea or a thought in a few words if he so desires. Russell is always direct, simple and lucid. He knows that the complexity of expression leads to ambiguity. Nothing can be more lucid than such opening lines: ââ¬Å"Happiness depends partly upon external circumstances and partly upon oneself.â⬠ââ¬Å"Of all the institutions that have come down to us from the past, none is so disorganized and derailed as the family.â⬠Russellââ¬â¢s sentences clearly show Baconââ¬â¢s terseness. They are replete with so deep thoughts like those of Bacon that we may elaborate them in countless pages. Many sentences are like proverbs, replete with deep meanings like: ââ¬Å"Extreme hopes are born of extreme misery.â⬠ââ¬Å"One of the most powerful sources of false belief is envy.â⬠ââ¬Å"Pride of a race is even more harmful than national pride.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Indian Paint Industry
The size of the paints market in India is estimated at Rs 110 bn, with the contribution of the organised and unorganised segments in the ratio of 65:35. Reduction of excise duties over the last few years, from 40% to the present level of 14%, has helped create a level playing field between the unorganised and the organised segments, as the former is not subject to excise duty. As the unorganised sector loses its competitive edge, it is also losing market share to the organised sector players. In view of the low per capita annual consumption of paints in India (0. kg, compared to 4 kg in South East Asian countries, 22 kg in developed countries and a global average of 15 kg), the domestic paints industry has tremendous potential. The paints industry is working-capital intensive, rather than fixed-asset intensive. As in consumer non-durables, distribution strengths and brand building are of paramount importance. The Indian paint industry witnessed robust growth in turnover on the back of increased volumes during the festival season. Both decorative and industrial segments performed well during the quarter. Moreover, the margins received a boost with the domestic currency continuing to rise against the greenback, causing a substantial reduction in cost of imported inputs. This in turn induced some of the players in the industry to reduce the prices of select products to pass on the benefit to the customers. Further, players are going in for capacity expansions to reap the benefits of the rising demand for paints Segments: On product lines, paints can be differentiated into decorative or architectural paints and industrial paints. While the former caters to the housing sector, the automotive segment is a major consumer of the latter. Decorative paints can further be classified into premium, medium and distemper segments. Premium decorative paints are acrylic emulsions used mostly in the metros. The medium range consists of enamels, popular in smaller cities and towns. Distempers are economy products demanded in the suburban and rural markets. Nearly 20 per cent of all decorative paints sold in India are distempers and it is here that the unorganised sector has dominance. Industrial paints include powder coatings, high performance oating and automotive and marine paints. But two-thirds of the industrial paints produced in the country are automotive paints. Decorative and industrial paints are the segments within the sector, in a 70:30 proportion. Brand equity, a wide range of shades, distribution strength and efficient working capital management are key success factors in the decorative paints segment. A strong distribution network acts as an entry barrier. Within the decorative segment, enamel is the largest sub-segment, accounting for over 50%, followed by wall finishes, primers and wood finishes. The season for decorative paints is from October to March, a period characterised by festivals like Diwali, and the summer, when painting is normally carried out. The industrial segment pertains mainly to automobiles. In this segment, technological competence, product range and customised solutions are of utmost importance. Technological strength is another entry barrier. The slowdown in the automobile sector has affected the overall growth of the industrial segment, as the former contributes around 50% of the latter's revenues. Other sub-segments are marine paints, powder coatings for white goods like refrigerators and washing machines, and industrial coatings. Within the paints sector, the proportion of the industrial paints segment is likely to increase in the next few years and the ratio is likely to become 50:50. The demand for decorative paints is highly price-sensitive and also cyclical. Monsoon is a slack season while the peak business period is Diwali festival time, when most people repaint their houses. The industrial paints segment, on the other hand, is a high volume-low margin business. In the decorative segment, it is the distribution network that counts while in the industrial segment the deciding factor are technological superiority and tie-up with automobile manufacturers for assured business. The share of industrial paints in the total paint consumption of the nation is very low compared to global standards. It accounts for 30 per cent of the paint market with 70 per cent of paints sold in India for decorative purposes. In most developed countries, the ratio of decorative paints vis-A -vis industrial paints is around 50:50. But, with the decorative segment bottoming out, companies are increasingly focussing on industrial paints. The future for industrial paints is bright. In the next few years, its share would go up to 50 per cent, in line with the global trend. Decorative Sector Composition ( to be check for accuracy of figures) Enamels 50% Distemper 19% Emulsions 17% Exterior Coatings 12% Wood Finishes 2% Decorative Sector Features Enamels Steady growth. These are oil based paints which are widely used for painting on all surfaces including walls, wood and metals. They also find application in painting of hoardings and signboards and repainting of commercial vehicles. Emulsions Shift from distemper and enamels to emulsions. High growth area. These are premium qualtity oil based wall paints. Distempers High growth in low priced low quality distempers as consumers are upgrading from limewash. These are water based wall paints priced at a much lower range than the above two. Exteriors Exterior emulsion fastest growing segment in the Indin Paint market. Industrial Sector Composition ( to be check for accuracy of figures) Automotive Paints ââ¬â 50%à High Performance Coating ââ¬â 30% Powder Coating ââ¬â 10% Coil Coating ââ¬â 5% Marine Paints ââ¬â 5% Automotive Sector High growth sector with a number of new entrants like Mercedes Benz, Mitsubishi, Daewoo, Hyundai, Honda, Fiat, General Motors, Ford. However, recently there is some slackness in Auto demands. Two wheeler market booming due to demend from large Indian middle class. Goodlass and Asian Paints are the leading OEM players and ICI is the leading player in the replacement market PowderCoatings Increase growth due to increased sales of white goods and auto ancillaries. Berger and Goodlass lead in this solid powder coating segment used for decoration and protection of white goods, electronic equipment and auto components. High Performance Coatings Steady growth due to increase investments in refinery segment and power sectors, particularly Thermal and Nuclear. Coil Coatings:Solvent based paints for sheets and coils. ICI and Asian Paints lead this segment. Marine: Shalimar and Bombay Paints are the major players in these anti-corrosive, underwater paints used for ships and containers. Chemicals: These high performance paints are used in fertilisers, petrochemicals etc. or prevention of corrosion. APIL dominates the decorative segment with a 38 per cent market share. The company has more than 15,000 retail outlets and its brands Tractor, Apcolite, Utsav, Apex and Ace are entrenched in the market. GNPL, the number-two in the decorative segment, with a 14 per cent market share too, has now increased its distribution network to 10,700 outlets to compete with APIL effectively. Berger and ICI have 9 per cent and 8 per cent shares respectively in this segment followed by J&N and Shalimar with 1 and 6 per cent shares. GNPL dominates the industrial paints segment with 41 per cent market share. It has a lion's share of 70 per cent in the OEM passenger car segment, 40 per cent share of two wheeler OEM market and 20 per cent of commercial vehicle OEM market. It supplies 70 per cent of the paint requirement of Maruti, India's largest passenger car manufacturer, besides supplying to other customers like Telco, Toyota, Hindustan Motors, Hero Honda, TVS-Suzuki, Mahindra & Mahindra, Ashok Leyland, Ford India, PAL Peugeot and Bajaj Auto. GNPL also controls 20 per cent of the consumer durables segment with clients like Whirlpool and Godrej GE. The company is also venturing into new areas like painting of plastic, coil coatings and cans. APIL, the leader in decorative paints, ranks a poor second after Goodlass Nerolac in the industrial segment with a 15 per cent market share. But with its joint venture Asian-PPG Industries, the company is aggressively targeting the automobile sector. It has now emerged as a 100 per cent OEM supplier to Daewoo, Hyundai, Ford and General Motors and is all set to ride on the automobile boom. Berger and ICI are the other players in the sector with 10 per cent and 9 per cent shares respectively. Shalimar too, has an 8 per cent share. Raw Material scenario: The paint industry is raw material-intensive, in terms of value and quantity of raw materials used. Raw material costs account for around 70% of total production costs. Imports constitute around 30% of the raw material requirements. The most critical raw materials used are titanium dioxide (TD) (rutile and anatase grades), phthalic anhydride (PAN) and pentaerithrithol PENTA). Some other raw materials like castor oil, soyabean oil, linseed oil and mineral turpentine are also used. Increasing prices of raw materials, on the one hand, and the inability to pass on the price increases from recession and competitive pressure, on the other, are major areas of concern. Of the 300 raw materials (30% petro-based derivatives), nearly half of them are imported petroleum products. Thus, any deficit in global oil reserves affects the bottomline of the players.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
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Assumption University Martin de Tours School of Management Department of Management SYLLABUS SEMESTER 2/2011 Martin de Tours School of Managementââ¬â¢s Vision To be the leading international business school in the ASEAN region providing high quality business education to enable graduates to make invaluable contributions to organizations and society. Martin de Tours School of Managementââ¬â¢s Mission To shape our students into independent-minded graduates who are well-versed in business, able to communicate effectively, tech savvy, innovative, and ethical to successfully face global challenges.COURSE TITLE MGT3907 Business Communication Summer semester ââ¬â MGT3907 is offered only in the evening program, NOT in the day program. BG2001 English IV A. Mingmada ([emailà protected] com) Course Coordinator PRE-REQUISITES LECTURERS Day Program Evening Program OFFICE & CONTACT COURSE DESCRIPTION A. Tipnuch ([emailà protected] edu ) A. Vrinporn ([emailà protected] com) A. Polth ep ( p. [emailà protected] com) A. Dilaka ( [emailà protected] om) th MSM 4 Floor Development of written, oral, technical, and interpersonal skills for effective communication in the business world with emphasis on well-written business documents for diverse purposes; understanding of group and cross-cultural communication determinants for individual or organizational success; effective visual and oral presentation; and essential competence in some communication technologies widely used in business today. MGT3907 Course Outline ââ¬â Page 1 of 11 Upon completion of MGT3907, the student should have 1. . Theoretical and applied knowledge of the purposes, formats, patterns, and media of modern business communication; 1. 2. The ability to compose business memos and letters for informative, positive, negative, and persuasive messages; 1. 3. Preparation for job interviews and searches; 1. 4. The ability to plan, research, compose, and present a short report; 1. 5. Skill in the tech nology currently used in business communication, including word processing and presentation software, e-mail, and the Internet; 1. 6.The ability to identify potential barriers to communication and apply techniques to overcome them; 1. 7. Appreciation of the value of diversity in meeting communication objectives; 1. 8. The ability to write effective formal and informal business documents of various kinds throughout a business career; 1. 9. An awareness of the importance of using correct grammar and punctuation in business writing. â⬠¢ REQUIRED TEXT â⬠¢ â⬠¢ â⬠¢ CLASS ATTENDANCE Locker, Kitty O. , and Donna S. Kienzler. Business and Administrative Communication. 9th ed. New York: McGrawHill/Irwin, 2010. http://lms2. u. edu 6 absents maximum (including both discussion and lecture classes) A student absent 7 or more times including lates, will not be allowed to take the final exam, according to University policy and the regulation of the Thailand Commission on Higher Educ ation. Here is the official policy: COURSE OBJECTIVES MARK ALLOCATION: Assignment/ Class work/Participation Quiz Proposal, presentation, short report Midterm examination Final examination TOTAL Penalty Marks 1. No submission to Report Copying Check 2. Presentation Quality Survey 10 5 15 20 50 100% Marks -50 -20Penalty marks will be subtracted from your total Assignments marks until that total reaches zero. EXAMINATION SCHEDULE: is not given here as it may change after this Course Outline is distributed. Students must check with Registration or look it up online with AuNet. MGT3907 Course Outline ââ¬â Page 2 of 11 CLASS RULES Cheating Policy If any students or a group of students will be caught copying, partial/entire project or hire outside or inside person to do their works, the faculty consider such act as a serious matter which will automatically result in ââ¬ËFââ¬â¢ grade for an entire group.Changing section Students are neither allowed to study in other section they h ave not enrolled for, nor do the project with their friends in other sections. The lecturer does not have any authority to allow his/her students to switch section without proper authorization from the registrar. Dress code regulations for class: Wear proper attire Students wearing the following items will not be allowed to check their class attendance: â⬠¢ Trousers and skirts made of jeans, corduroy, or velvet materials, or made in ââ¬Å"jeans design. â⬠â⬠¢ Shirts / blouses in which the edges are not tucked inside trousers or skirts. Slippers. OTHER MATTERS Website (will be announced in class) LMS is our class website with â⬠¢ PowerPoint and handout downloads, â⬠¢ Announcements, etc. Email procedures 1. Email address ââ¬â Each student must provide a valid, reliable email address to the lecturer and must check it daily for messages related to the course. 2. Email attachments should not be sent to the lecturer unless by the lecturerââ¬â¢s special request . Normally lecturers do not have time to save, scan for viruses, and open attachments, so email containing attachments will be rejected or discarded.Emailed assignments should be pasted into the body text of the email message. 3. Email subject header ââ¬â Email to the course lecturer should always use the following email subject header format: Student ID#, Section #, Subject; for example, ââ¬Å"4514444, 432, Assignment #1 [or Short Report, or Question about . . . , etc. ]. â⬠Wrong: I. D. 4514444, [start with the number] Wrong: Assignment 1, 451444 [start with the number] Wrong: Somchai, 451444 [start with the number] Wrong: u4514444, [no ââ¬Ëuââ¬â¢; check your ID card] Wrong: 451-4444, [no yphen; check your ID card] Wrong: 4514444, sec 444, [no ââ¬Å"secâ⬠or ââ¬Å"sectionâ⬠] Right: 4514444, 432, Assignment #1 [or whatever] Copying an assignment from someone else and presenting it as oneââ¬â¢s own is strictly forbidden. Neither the copied assignment n or the original will be accepted and neither can be revised. Unless instructed otherwise, always assume that assignments are individual, not group. Students should be very careful about showing their work to ââ¬Å"friendsâ⬠. MGT3907 Course Outline ââ¬â Page 3 of 11Disturbing the class by socializing with classmates, making noise, or talking on a mobile phone while the lecturer is speaking will invite penalties such as being counted late or absent, being ejected from the classroom, having ID cards confiscated, or having marks subtracted from the final grade average. Students who do wish to learn must have the opportunity to do so to their best ability in an atmosphere conducive to learning. Late exam ââ¬â The Coordinator of MGT3907 must be officially notified by the Department of Management in advance of the need for a late exam for any student.A student needing a late exam must first submit a petition with evidence at Registration. Later, if a late exam is approved by a committee, Registration will notify the student. The student should then check with the MGT3907 Coordinator to be sure that the Coordinator has also been officially notified by the Department of Management. Mobile phones must be turned off before their owners enter the classroom, and they must remain off and put away for the duration of the classââ¬âexcept during toilet visits, when they must be given to the lecturer.A lecturerââ¬â¢s mobile phone may remain on, however, for possible University business. A student caught using a mobile phone during class time will be, at minimum, counted late but may be counted absent with ID card confiscation. Plagiarism (copying the words or ideas of another writer without giving credit to the other writer) is forbidden and will be penalized severely. Preparation must be done before every class, which means reading over the relevant section of the textbook to be discussed and doing any assigned homework.Presentation Quality Survey ââ¬â Discussion lecturers will assign you, or your group, to evaluate the short report presentations by the members of another group. The survey form is attached to the last page of this Course Outline Report copying check ââ¬â the short report, due towards the end of the semester, will be submitted to your discussion teacher, but also must be emailed to [emailà protected] com. Dress code regulations for examination: Wear full uniform Students are obligated to wear the Universityââ¬â¢s full uniform as stipulated in the Universityââ¬â¢s dress code regulations to take examinations.Failure to comply with the regulation will result in students not being allowed to appear for examinations, and subsequently, the student receiving ââ¬Å"0â⬠marks for the examination. To be eligible to appear for exams, students are required to wear full uniform: â⬠¢ Male students must wear black/dark blue trousers, white button/collared shirt, black shoes, University neck-tie and belt buc kle. â⬠¢ Female students must wear black/dark blue skirt, white button/collared shirt, clack shoes, and University buttons, pin, and belt buckle.Note: The students will not be admitted to the final exam later than 10 minutes after the exam starts. MGT3907 Course Outline ââ¬â Page 4 of 11 COURSE CONTENTS AND TENTATIVE SCHEDULE MGT3907 COURSE SCHEDULE WEEK 1 (for week dates, see calendar following the schedule) LECTURE CLASS DISCUSSION CLASS Introduction to MGT3907, course outline, and resources, notably MGT3907 ââ¬â LMS website http://lms2. au. edu Chapter 1: Succeeding in Business Communication Appendix A: Formats for Letters, Memos, and E-Mail Messages. Homework: Download hyperlinked Course Outline . df file AND the Powerpoints and handout package from LMS Each lecturer may omit, select, add, or modify the classwork or homework assignments as needed, for example, to discourage copying. The lecturer will specify how to submit each assignment, by paper or by email. If by email, students must follow the correct email procedure to receive credit. â⬠¢ Self-introduction by Icebreaker methods. â⬠¢ Break up into groups, discussion topic assigned. â⬠¢ Discussion to share ideas. â⬠¢ Assignment: write a memo individually based on group discussion and submit to the instructor In-class. Homework: Exercise 1. 10 Topics â⬠¢ Kinds of audiences, needs, attitudes â⬠¢ Group analysis of a particular audience â⬠¢ Adapting messages for audiences 2 Chapter 2: Adapting Your Message to Your Audience. Appendix A: letter, memo, and email formats. Homework: Adding students: do homework from Week 1. 3 Chapter 5: Communicating Across Cultures. Homework: Adding students: do homework from Weeks 1 ââ¬â 2. â⬠¢ Discussion: ââ¬Å"How Does Culture Affect Business Communication? â⬠â⬠¢ Discussion: Exercise 5. 2 ââ¬â Identifying Sources of Miscommunication (group work) â⬠¢ Homework: Exercise 5. 2 or 5. 8MGT3907 Course Outline ââ¬â Page 5 of 11 4 Chapter 3: Building Goodwill Homework: Adding students: do homework from Weeks 1 ââ¬â 2. Chapter 7: Planning, Composing, and Revising. Appendix B: Writing Correctly. â⬠¢ Discussion: ââ¬Å"Putting Yourself in the Other Personââ¬â¢s Shoesâ⬠â⬠¢ Assignment/Homework: Exercise 3. 4 or 3. 13 Improving readability â⬠¢ Connotation vs. denotation â⬠¢ Active vs. passive â⬠¢ Strong verbs â⬠¢ Parallel structure â⬠¢ Activity ââ¬â work in groups on exercise 7. 11, 7. 15 The composing process â⬠¢ Planning â⬠¢ Writing â⬠¢ Revising â⬠¢ Editing â⬠¢ Proofreading â⬠¢ Activity ââ¬â Exercise 7. 3 5 6Chapter 14: Informative and Positive Messages. Midterm Exam prep and resources The Midterm Exam covers through Week 7: Chapters 1, 2, 5, 3, 7, 14, 15 7 Homework: review Midterm Exam description in the Handouts Package. Chapter 15: Negative Messages â⬠¢ Discussion of informative and positive messages. â⬠¢ Checkli st for informative and positive messages, p. 419 â⬠¢ Activity ââ¬â using checklist to evaluate emails in Exercise 14. 4 â⬠¢ Homework: Exercise 14. 8 or 14. 10 as lecturer directs. 8 Chapter 17: Planning and Researching Reports. Chapter 18: Writing Proposals and Progress Reports Overview of short report Checklist for Negative Messages, p. 456 â⬠¢ Role Play on ââ¬Å"Giving Bad News to Peers and Subordinatesâ⬠â⬠¢ Assignment: Exercise 15. 3 ââ¬â Letters for Discussion ââ¬â Credit Refusal (work in group, write up and discuss) â⬠¢ Specifics of short report assignment: proposal, report, presentation â⬠¢ Discussion: Exercise 17. 9, Evaluating Survey Questions MGT3907 Course Outline ââ¬â Page 6 of 11 assignment. Homework: Locate and review documents for the short report assignment in the handouts package. Chapter 16: Crafting Persuasive Messages â⬠¢ Homework: A proposal for your short report 10 Chapter 6: Working and Writing in Teams. 11 Cha pter 8: Designing Documents Chapter 9: Creating Visuals and Data Displays 12 Chapter 10: Making Oral Presentations. Powerpoints. â⬠¢ Checklist for Direct Requests, p. 506 â⬠¢ Checklist for ProblemSolving Persuasive Messages, p. 508 Assignment: Exercise 16. 6 ââ¬â Choosing a Persuasive Approach â⬠¢ Listening skills, roles in groups, decision-making, successful groups and meetings â⬠¢ Discussion: short report proposals â⬠¢ Discussion/homework: Exercise 6. 10 or 6. 15 â⬠¢ Homework: begin working on short report. Importance, levels, guidelines, of document design â⬠¢ Visuals, brochures, web pages â⬠¢ Discussion: Exercise 9. 6 Interpreting Data (Choose one data set only. ) â⬠¢ Homework: Continue work on short report. â⬠¢ Planning effective presentations â⬠¢ Selecting and organizing information â⬠¢ Delivering effective presentations â⬠¢ Handling questions during presentations â⬠¢ Activity: Exercise 10. 2 Analyzing Openers And Clo sers â⬠¢ Homework: Continue work on short report; some groups prepare to submit and present. â⬠¢ Homework: Bring MGT3907 Course Outline ââ¬â Page 7 of 11 Presentation Quality Survey form to next class. 3 Chapter 11: Building Resumes Chapter 12: Writing Job Application Letters Homework: 1. Presentation Quality Survey 2. Submission of report to Report Copying Check (follow procedures) [emailà protected] com All submissions for the Survey and Report Copying must be received by the final exam date. Penalty marks apply to 1 and 2. Class presentations â⬠¢ Activity: Presentation Quality Survey â⬠¢ Homework due: Final short report due with 5minute oral presentation â⬠¢ Homework: Submit report to Report Copying Check; Donââ¬â¢t forget ALL the ID numbers! No attachments. Homework: Bring Presentation Quality Survey form to next class. 14 Chapter 13: Interviewing For A Job. Chapter 4: Navigating The Business Communication Environment Class presentations â⬠¢ Acti vity: Presentation Quality Survey â⬠¢ Homework due: Final short report due with 5minute oral presentation The Final Exam is cumulative but mainly covers Weeks 8-15: Chapters 17, 18, 16, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 4 Homework: 3. Presentation Quality Survey 4. Submission of report to Report Copying Check (follow procedures) All submissions for the Survey and Report Copying must be received by the final exam date.MGT3907 Course Outline ââ¬â Page 8 of 11 Week Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Start 25 Oct 31 Oct 7 Nov 14 Nov 21 Nov 28 Nov 5 Dec 12 Dec 19 Dec 16 Jan 23 Jan 30 Jan 6 Feb 13 Feb End 28 Oct 4 Nov 11 Nov 18 Nov 25 Nov 2 Dec 9 Dec 16 Dec 23 Dec 20 Jan 27 Jan 3 Feb 10 Feb 17 Feb Inclusive 25-28 Oct 30 Oct-4 Nov 7-11 Nov 14-18 Nov 21-25 Nov 28 Nov-2 Dec 5-9 Dec 12-16 Dec 19-23 Dec 16-20 Jan 23-27 Jan 30 Jan-3 Feb 6-10 Feb 13-17 FebMGT3907 Course Outline ââ¬â Page 9 of 11 MGT3907 Presentation Quality S urvey My ID: Presenter Group Number: Sec: Title of Presentation: Scale E x c e Item ll e n t 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2. 4. 2. 4. 6. 8. 2. 4. 2. 4. 2. 4. 2. 4. Opening/closing Speaking skills Opening/closing Speaking skills Opening/closing Speaking skills Opening/closing Speaking skills Opening/closing Speaking skills Opening/closing Speaking skills Opening/closing Speaking skills Scale E x c e l l e n t 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5Group: Date: For each item, circle the number to the right to evaluate its quality according to the criteria below. Student IDs Item P o Good o r P o Good o r ID: Comment: ID: Comment: ID: 1. 3. 1. 3. 5. 7. 1. 3. 1. 3. 1. 3. 1. 3. Visuals Interest Visuals Interest Visuals Interest Visuals Interest Visuals Interest Visuals Interest Visuals Interest 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Comment: ID: Comment: ID: Comment: ID: Comment: ID: Comment: Criteria 1. Visuals ââ¬â Quality of photos, tables, charts, clip art, video, Powerpoint backgrounds, animations, colors, design. 2. Opening/closing ââ¬â attempted to interest audience; communicated purpose of presentation; gave a meaningful or interesting conclusion that showed analysis, recommendation, or suggestion for future. 3.Interest ââ¬â made presentation interesting in whatever way. 4. Speaking skills ââ¬â Used smiling, gestures, eye contact; seemed confident; did not read but only sometimes referred to notes or Powerpoint; voice was clear and loud enough; did not often look away from audience; did not hold onto unnecessary paper, pen, or other prop for security; dressed appropriately; did not fidget with hands and feet or otherwise distract audience from message of presentation. MGT3907 Course Outline ââ¬â Page 10 of 11
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